zaterdag 16 mei 2009

Email terug naar New Zealand

Deze week hebben we onze film, powerpoint en mindmap-boek voor de kinderen in New Zealand afgerond. De rap is helaas nog niet af, dat komt later wel....
We hebben vandaag onze 'penpals' een berichtje teruggestuurd:

Hello Moturoa class:

Our names are: Carline, Méret, Eline, Maaike, Sten en Duuk.
We are group 7 of the Olympus class. We are the must funny class of the Peter Petersenschool!! We have not a class-pet. We have 3 age-groups:
0, 1 and 2, 3, 4 and 5 and 6, 7 and 8. Our group is 5, 6 and 7. That's not normal. It's a new group. Every monday, tuesday and fridag we go to the Zernike veld. There we play soccer and we build cabins. We send you by mail the our little movie "pps-news", a mindmap-book and a powerpoint. Could you give us your postal adress?

Greetings from group 7 of the Olympus class.


hyves (sort of online community):
website PPS:
Online fotobook:

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